Run4Fun – Running for better life quality

This project was initiated by helplessness during our trip in March 2018.
In the course of our work with iHelp e.V., we witnessed many children who were accompanied by all their relatives coming from far away to be treated for “club feet” so that they can have a chance at healthy, bodily development. Through this, our project “Run4Fun” was birthed to create new opportunities.
Prior to each trip, elusive amounts of tedious preparations are undertaken. Approximately 4-5 years ago, we were only able to inform the people about our missions and which treatments will be offered by flyers and leaflets. The procedures were described in the form of pictures. For example, lip and cleft palates with a green checkmark whereas naval and testicle hernias had a red cross. This always led to misunderstandings. Meanwhile, we have improved possibilities and more local people involved who spread the news via radio announcements and talking to people on site.
Still, it happens again and again… Children travel far with their parents, sometimes 200-300km by foot, with the “hope” to receive help.
And it is extremely hard and difficult on me to send these children back home because we do not have appropriate specialists and sufficient supplies on site. Thereby we started Run4Fun because it was a required need.
I spontaneously started a pilot-study with a native surgeon that I am financing myself, where 23 children with club feet are treated over the next years.
The aftercare is done by a German orthopedist. The children are each operated once per leg and receive special splints and further care. For example, this includes new casts every 3 weeks.
The costs for this 3-4 year-long treatment amounts up to only €350 per child.
If you want to make it possible for a child to run, then please help us with a donation.